Luiz H. Rapatão

Luiz H. Rapatão

Staff Software Engineer

4-Minute Read

Optimizing tests in Spring Boot applications

It is extremely common for applications built with Spring Boot to have all their tests annotated with @SpringBootTest, but it is rare to find people who know the functionality of this annotation, when it is necessary to use it and its impact on the execution of an application’s tests.

3-Minute Read

Build virtual machines (VM's) using QEMU

Recently I needed to perform some simple tests of an application that only worked on Windows and as I don’t have this environment, I decided to create a VM with Windows 10. My first idea was to use VirtualBox , however, for some reason, I couldn’t start the installer at all, always generating a random error or else the screen was like the hiss of a TV, but colorful and without sound.

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A list of Brazilian projects

Every developer, at least once, must have come across awesome lists calls. These lists try to bring together in one place projects related to a theme or libraries for which they were developed.

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ACID Transactions

Acronym for Atomicity, Cconsistency, Iinsulation and Durability is a set of properties of a database transaction that aim to ensure data integrity and validity, even after systemic failures or electrical power failures.

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